I have not blogged in awhile!
Lots of fun training has been going down...
Here is a quick little recap.
This past weekend I was in St. George training and this race conveniently fit right into the training :D
Smaller, super friendly race. Organized well with the buses getting us up to the start. (There is no real place to warmup at the start of the race so I would suggest doing your warm up at the park and then getting on the last bus up to the start.)
Splits (5:50, 6:27, 6:18, 6:38, 6:35, 6:34, 1:21)

Teresa has been upping the duration and intensity of my swim.bike.run.
and I am loving Every.Second.Of.It
Putting in some yardage!

Spending some quality time with Rocky! Trainer sweat fests... hill repeats... tempo efforts...time on the St George 70.3 course... Loving it!!
The sun is finally coming out in Utah! I am going to do a post soon on some Brooks products I have been Running Happy in lately!
........................................................................7 weeks!!!!!!!!
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