Tapering Review

Tapering = No Bueno.  I am getting nervous already
26.2. Sub4. I.CAN.DO.IT!

5Mile Run, 45Min Upper Body Weights, 90Min Cycling, 3/4Mile Swim
8 Mile Run, 65Min Cycling, 3/4 Mile Swim
5 Mile Run, 60 Min Cycling, 1/2 Mile Swim >>> (Foot Sore Again)
30Min Lower Body Weights, 105Min Cycling, 1/2 Mile Swim
20 Min Abs, 50 Min Cycling, 1.1 Mile Swim
80 Min Cycling
140Min Cycling

After my run on Wednesday, that pain in my foot has slightly come back.  Normally, I'd just push through it; but with St George 2 weeks away, I took a mini break on the running front for the remainder of the week.  Does anyone know what this foot issue could be? Everything online I can find says 'shoes tied too tight' ....which I know is not the problem.  The only time I feel any pain is when I put pressure on the ball of my foot. This morning I went on a run and it was 99% gone...

Less than 1 year ago I starting Running.  At first, running was another means to work out... burn some calories.  I NEVER imagined I would get so addicted to this sport.  It has transformed from a work out to a lifestyle.  It is honestly all I think about.  Lately, my mind has been wondering to the idea of triathlons.  2 weeks after the marathon is the Lake Powell Triathlon.  I registered for this bad boy today!! Olympic Tri Challenge here I come!


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