- Hour drive to the start
- Coffee, Cliff Bar, 1/2 a Power aid Zero
Once I set up transition I warmed up:
20 min bike w/ spin ups and 10 min run/jog with strides

The swim was the most frustrating part of the race for me. 90% of the time I was either stuck in-between people or being hit in the head... I definitely got whacked more here than open water. Self seeded with the '5:45' group but only ended up with a 2:12 pace which I know I could have hit faster if I started further up.
-Start up further in line!!
-50 meter and outside pools are my new favorite
Coming out of the water I felt great.
-Pulled on short
-Shoes (decided to go without socks which I liked)
-Helmet and Glasses
2 loop course. First half of the bike is significant uphill... then you get a fast downhill the last half. One section people were walking their bikes up the hill. I really zoned in and powered up the hills. Averaged 19.7mph
-Was planning on taking a gel on the bike as well as drinking water and for some reason I didn't do either.
Newbie fail. Couldn't find my spot to rack my bike!
- Bib

Run felt wonderful. The first portion of the run is up the same hill you start the bike loop on. I was breathing hard but felt in control the whole time. I think my splits were 7:28, 7:12, 6:54, XX??
- Garmin wouldn't go off of Bike mode so I just restarted it about .25 into the run
- Took 1 full gel at the start
- I don't think I pushed myself hard enough on the run... The end came quicker than I expected and I had energy at the end for more of a kick
Cool Down 15 min run/jog
Overall Time 1:10:45
AG 2/83
Overall 12/693
- I didn't ever feel that good 'hurt' so I think I could have pushed myself a lot harder.
- I need to figure out my multisport option on my Garmin and HR monitor. HR info didn't record and everything recorded in Bike mode?
This was a wonderful event. I am an organization freak and really appreciate when you can tell much thought has gone into the organization of a race.
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