Reflections of my First Year

Reflections of 2011
The Year of Firsts and Learning

January, February, March - Started 'officially' running

Purchased my first pair of running shoes and my Garmin.  Learned SO much these months!

April - Completed my first 1/2 marathon. Goal = Finish, Accomplished 1:50

May - Started my Blog to journal my journey <<<corny :) after getting into the St George Marathon

First 10K Race = 47:57
Memorial Day

June - Injured
Learned about the importance of stretching
and Foam Rolling and Protein

July - 
Training for St. George...lots and lots of local 5k's and 10k's, along with some

Awesome Hikes
Awesome Skiing
Lake Powell

August - Crandall Canyon Half Marathon

Ran through groin pain.  Here I learned the kind of pain you SHOULD NOT run through.

Learned the importance of 'cross-training'... Started to incorporate swimming and cycling.

The cross training sparked my interest in Triathlons. Purchased ALLY and completed my first 20 miler run

First Bike Crash right before the Marathon

St. George

Learned I should be wearing more of a minimalist shoe and compression gear does work!

 Went on my Favorite 22.8 Mile Hike TO DATE

Completed My first TRIATHLON - Olympic: Goal =Finish, Took 3rd in my AG
Lake Powell

Training for January Marathon.  Hitting new weekly mileage highs!

December - Injured <<<Currently FRUSTRATED

What a year of learning.  When I set out on my first run in January 2011 (3 miles), I had no idea what I was getting into.  I love this new addiction.  

I am looking into working with a coach for 2012 because I obviously don't know how to train injury free.  I am looking to RACE my heart out ALL year...... 26.2 & 70.3 are on the calendar. 

I love where running has taken my body AND my mind.  
I cant wait to continue to Build My Machine to its fullest potential.


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